Department of Mining Exploration
History of Department of Mining Exploration
Mining exploration department was established as one of the university departments of Geology and Mining Engineering, Logar Institute of Higher Education in 2019. In the current formation of the department, there are three academic staffs (Bismillah (Joyan), Associate Professor Mohammad Khaled Darman, Associate Professor Fazlur Rahman).
Currently, two classes (1st class, 2nd class) and 50 students are being taught in the mining exploration
department, which are taught by 3 professors. In addition to that, two administrative employees,
two service employees, engineer Laboratory are also busy with work.
Sincerely: Associate Professor, Diploma Engineer, Bismillah Joyan, Head of the Department
The Vision and Mission of the Mining Exploration Department
Consolidation of the Mining Exploration and Exploration Department as a prestigious and prominent
department at the level of Logar Higher Education Institute and the country's universities by offering
professional engineers to the society.
The Department of Mining Exploration and Exploration, like other departments, plays a valuable role in the training of professional engineers in order to improve the knowledge level of students and their active participation in the exploration and mining of mines for the promotion and social welfare according to the needs of the country.